Neon Noir: The Fourth Beat

As she moves throughout her morning ritual preparing the coffee, the notices a card out of the corner of her eye. It was plain. White. A series of numbers scribbled on the front. As her coffee brewed, Vash couldn’t keep her mind off it. When was the last time she dialed a phone number manually?

The 19th Century Paranormal Investigator: Chapter 4

I stand, attempting to assert my authority on the matter. “Yes, ghosts can move furniture, and inadvertently taunt the living. However, they do not summon demon spirits. Most importantly, they do not cause damage to the foundation of the residence they occupy. The earth’s energy is what allows them to remain here.”

The Elysian: Third Dream

\"It happened both fast and slow. Like raising a dimmer switch, but the light was always on in the first place. The twinkling lights, swirling dust, explosions of light and balls of fire whizzing by, all suspended in a field of literal nothingness.\" - Mr. Rodriguez

Neon Noir: The Third Beat

Detective Robert Howell was not the biggest supporter of prohibition when it was initially talked about. Now he’s made it his personal mission to uphold the new law, and bring in every bootlegger. He’s gained the nickname of “The Wolf” among the gangs in Capital City.

Mild Mannered: Issue #3

As I walk to the counter to pay, I curse an effigy of Kara in my mind. Maybe she’ll get a nice big zit just asymmetrical enough she can’t ignore it. Haha! Take that, Mental Kara! The guy at the counter beamed as I approached. Is he taunting me? Could he be psychotic? What if he’s just pleasant?

The 19th Century Paranormal Investigator: Chapter 3

I may have presented myself as an expert in supernatural phenomena, which I most assuredly am, but this is the first time I’ve taken a case with so much time to prepare. My normal affairs are much more sudden. In the moment, it is easy to take charge and have people explain what is going on, but here? It requires discussion. It requires tact. And I’ve never bee quite good at either.

NEWS: The site is live!

We have stories! Each of the five stories above have two episodes. Read what you want, see what you like, and follow along. New episodes will take up the main…

Neon Noir: The Second Beat Vash has fought long and hard to own her night club. She stays ahead of the law, remains in the two families’ good graces, and keeps her suppliers happy…

Neon Noir: The First Beat The year is 1927. Prohibition is in full effect. And Capital City has the most advanced tech available. The entire city seems to move to a beat, as the…