The Elysian: Eighteenth Dream

We reveal our cards. Most of his are in melds, though he has a five and a two for deadwood. I reveal my sorry hand state. I’m able to layoff a card, but my own deadwood is a two and two sevens. “Points for me.” Cain holds up a hand and writes a nine in midair. Across the way, behind the counter of the diner is a chalkboard. Appearing on the board in white is Cain’s score, with a big fat zero under my name.

Neon Noir: The Thirteenth Beat

Kegs still confused opens the bag and takes a peek. He’d never seen so many 20s. But on top is a little piece of paper that seemed to have “Don’t Kegs” scrawled in poorly written scratch. What game was little Vash playing? Whatever it is, he’d be sure to add it to her tab.

The Elysian: Seventeenth Dream

"I'm sorry, but who exactly are you?" The spirit across from me takes the deck of cards and shuffles and flourishes them from hand to hand. I try to keep up, but lose track as his hands and arms blur, seemingly moving like an unnatural snake. "I was wondering how long it'd take you to ask. I've gone by many names, never ones I chose myself. Apophis. Rahu. Chernobog. I bring with me chaos and darkness, though nothing so simple as what you'd imagine." He continues shuffling the cards, each time they grow more and more disordered. All the while, his graceful hands keep them in check.

Neon Noir: The Twelfth Beat

Lady Vash had taken Mr. Shane’s drink rather than wait for a new one. She shooed one of the men off the stool and took the seat herself. If anyone would recognize Rupert, it’d be her. And yet, she also didn’t offer up Bella. “Rupert, you lost your charge and made a mess trying to get her back. Why should I think she’d be safe with you?”

The Elysian: Sixteenth Dream

I look around, doing my best to make sure I wasn\'t imagining things. Checkerboard tile, steel rod chairs, leather covered booths, pastel blue, and hot rod red. Yeah, I\'m in a 50\'s diner.

Neon Noir: The Eleventh Beat

“And what happens when they come for you again? These people have so much money and they don’t care about killing you if they have to! You want to leave me alone?” Robert\'s voice gets quieter. \"That won\'t happen.\"

The Elysian: Fifteenth Dream

A whoosh of wind envelopes me. I blink and Goodfellow is standing in front of me. He has his arms crossed, and a look of disapproval on his face. He takes a few steps towards me. I feel my fear return, remembering that he\'s akin to a god. Even so, I stand my ground. He comes in close. It\'s a little uncomfortable.

The Elysian: Fourteenth Dream

The wind kicks up around me, throwing dirt and leaves through the air. I squint and put my arms up to protect my face. The wind sounds like it\'s laughing. Something maniacal. “Wind, leaf, dirt and rock. Our dear mortal is in for a shock...\"

The Elysian: Thirteenth Dream

\"I soared on, the trees whizzing past us. This sideways forest was growing on me, no pun intended. After getting used to the insane spectacle of it all, it was an interesting thought. Do the birds fly like me? Or do they fly perpendicular to the ground? Which way will the water in the river flow?\"

Neon Noir: The Tenth Beat

\"The apartment building loomed over him. He needed to go in, draw the attention of any hired goons watching and notify Vash so she can get the hidden cash. And no killing. Not that he had an issue with that last edict.\"